6-airbags system provides all-round protection. One for the driver, one for the front-seat passenger,front and rear curtain airbags running the length of the cabin, plus front side airbags
Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
The Anti-lock braking system prevents skidding and retains the car steering on slippery surfaces. It also enables stable braking and restricts wheel lock-up during panic braking
Anti Pinch Power Windows
The driver side window automatically rolls down when an obstacle is detected, thereby offering advanced safety
Smart Pedal
During simultaneous operation of brake and accelerator pedal, the smrat pedeal overrides the accelerator pedal and applies brake only
Headlamp Escort Function
Allows headlamp to be in ON condition for a limited time after the car is locked to illuminate the path if parked at a dark location
Reverse Parking Sensors with Camera
Say hello to Hassle Free rear parking as the sensors with their built in buzzer system alerts the driver about the proximity of rear obstacles
4 Tweeters
The i20 ACTIVE is well equipped with four high frequency Tweeters for a better surround sound experience
The specification above are subject to change. Images shown above may vary from actual product. Some of the equipments illustrated or described above may not be supplied as standard equipment and may be available at extra cost. Hyundai Motor India reserves the right to change specification & equipments of any product without prior notice. Please consult your nearby dealer for full information and availability on colours and trim